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Ranau Barracuda and the Vampire fish

+60 12 335 1568

Ranau Barracuda and the Vampire fish


Barracuda and the Vampire fish

1)The yellowtail barracuda.
2)Red tail payara or a true armatus. I need some sifus to help me id this.
Currently, Both are feeding on GS,kunings,kembong,Mp,feeders.
Nice Barracuda! Got it from JZX?
Looks like an armatus to me
>Nice. Its Armatus
>Thanks.Nope.I got the cudas from AA about 6mths ago.
oh its an armatus cuz i thought armatus has
a yellowish fish at the tail fins.This fish doesnt
have it.
>Thanks bro armatuslover.
>nice barracudas there bro. I just love surface swimmers. Marang Aquarium

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